Networking Guide


You can play multiplayer in two ways:

1. Local Play – Connecting two computers on the same network.

2. Online Play – Connecting with friends over the internet.

Local Play

The host (the player selecting ‘Start Server’) needs to find their computer’s network address:

 Windows: Open Command Prompt and type ipconfig. Look for IPv4 Address.

 Mac: Open Terminal and type ifconfig. Look for inet.

Once you have the address (e.g.,, go to ‘Connection Settings’ in the game:

 Enter the IP Address you found.

 Use 7770 as the port.

 Click ‘Start Server’, then ‘Join’.

You’re in! 🎉

Online Play (For Friends Worldwide)

To play with friends over the internet, you have two options:

1. VPN (Easy Option) – Use a service like Hamachi.

 Make sure everyone is connected to the same VPN.

 The VPN may provide an IP address to use.

2. Port Forwarding (Advanced Option)

 Instead of your local IP, use your public IP address.

 You’ll need to forward the correct port on your router.

How to Join a Server

Joining a server is easy! Simply ask your friend for the IP address and port they used to start the server.

 Enter these details in ‘Connection Settings’.

 Click ‘Join’.

That’s it—you’re in! 🎉

Hope this helps!

Get Dead Weight

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